Coworking as a Stepping Stone to Your Own Office


From home-based ventures to startups, getting your own office space is a big step. Sometimes it’s too big. With rent or a mortgage, furniture, and other incidentals, your expenses can suddenly explode. But you don’t have to take that big leap all at once. Coworking can be a stepping stone toward your own dedicated office space.

Coworking spaces, such as Evolve Workplace, offer office space to fit your needs. Whether you just need to rent a desk or you need space for a growing team with cubicles and conference rooms, coworking can be the answer. 

3 Reasons Coworking Should Be Your First Step

Coworking can give you several options to move toward your own office in multiple steps. Here’s why that can be smart:

1. Test Drive

Coworking gives you an opportunity to try out office space. Make sure the budget can handle the new expenses. Make sure you like this new shift. Make sure you have a space and location you can be happy with.

If you’ve been working at home for a while, going into an office is a big transition. If you’ve got a remote team that you’re suddenly bringing together, you might have some kinks to work out. 

This is a chance to experiment and see what works. What kind of floor plan do you want? Do you need conference room space? How about storage? A coworking space can be an inexpensive way to see what you really need before you commit to a long-term lease.

2. Flexibility

One of the biggest benefits of coworking is that it’s flexible. Get the space you need right now and then expand (or contract) as necessary. A lease is likely to be a lot more limiting and could lock you into a space that’s way too big now but way too small down the road. 

From simple desk space to a private office suite, we’ve got a range of office options to fit your needs.

3. Be Cautious

Maybe you’re ready for the big office. You’ve done the budget and you’re confident it will work. Go for it! 

But if you’re unsure or having doubts, it’s OK to be cautious. Business is inherently risky. You want to succeed, but you have to manage that risk.

Switching from a home office to signing a lease is a big leap. You don’t have to stretch your business that far. Take a smaller step and make sure it’s the right one for you.

What’s Your Next Step?

Every business has different needs. Some thrive just fine in a home office while others need a sprawling headquarters. Find the space that works for you. For some folks, coworking is exactly what they need—more room than the home office and they don’t have to deal with printers and coffeemakers. But other folks are ready for the full office experience and coworking can serve as a helpful stepping stone.

Wherever you’re at and whatever your business needs, we’re here to help you on your journey. Come say hello and take a tour of Evolve to see if coworking can be your next step.

David Lundy