5 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Business

New Year's Resolutions

Welcome to 2025. We all want to see business success in the new year, so let’s resolve to do better. We’ve got some New Year’s resolutions for your business.

5 Resolutions to Consider

Here at Evolve, we want to see your business do better. So we’ve got a few New Year’s resolutions you should consider:

1. Raise Your Prices

Resolve to increase your prices and generate more margin.

Many small businesses, especially freelancers and independent contractors, resist raising their prices. They worry about losing clients or stress about having the conversation and continually put it off. Before long it’s been years and you’re losing ground and becoming less and less profitable. 

It’s time. 

Bite the bullet and right size your price. 

Tip: Give clients context for why your prices are going up. Note how long it’s been since your last price increase and what inflation has been during that time. Suddenly your increase will sound like a bargain and they’ll happily accept it.

2. Boost Productivity

Resolve to make your team more efficient.

How efficient is your business? Are there processes that can be improved and streamlined? Are there faster ways to do things? Evaluate what you’re doing and look for ways to do it better. 

Because things change. People change. New systems develop and you find different ways of working. 

Tip: Faster isn’t always better. A customer survey might be quick and efficient, but it’s also impersonal. You might find a follow up conversation is a high-touch experience that generates more repeat business. It’s slower, but it’s more productive.

3. Reevaluate Expenses

Resolve to reconsider where and how you spend money.

It’s easy to rack up a lot of expenses you didn’t realize you had, especially with today’s software subscription model. Go through your expenses. Reevaluate what’s necessary. Do you actually use all that software? Are there things you can cut? 

Likewise, consider what you’re not spending. Is it time to say yes to those services you couldn’t justify before? 

Tip: That snack budget makes for happier employees. Remember that expenses are about more than the bottom line.

4. Quit Something

Resolve to quit what isn’t working.

“That’s how we’ve always done it,” is a dangerous mentality that can lead to stagnant and failing business practices. Look at what you do and see what you can quit.

Maybe it’s a social media channel that isn’t what it used to be. Maybe it’s a product or service that isn’t selling like it used to. Maybe it’s an employee perk that no one is taking advantage of.

Tip: Be bold and brave. Some of the greatest business decisions were recognizing a shift and quitting the old to embrace the new.

5. Slow Down

Resolve to take better care of yourself and your team.

Your people (including yourself) are the heart of your business. And how are they doing? Most of us are overworked and overwhelmed. Look for ways to slow down and give your team a break. 

It could be as simple as an extra vacation day or going home early. But sometimes slowing down means working smarter. It might mean extending deadlines or adding breaks to build team unity. 

Tip: Be generous. Self care needs to be consistent and impactful—buying the team donuts once a year isn’t going to cut it.

Welcome to 2025

It’s a new year and a new opportunity. Here’s to success for your business and team. We’ll see you around the office!

David Lundy